Thursday, December 29, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ballg.... I Mean Church!

When you watch Christian television, listen to the radio, attend conferences and special services... even just go to a lot of the larger churches out there... I am reminded of a hotdog vendor at a ballgame. They have silly half hour shows and many times, it seems more of an infomercial than anything else. So many preachers selling their wares, all in the name of paying for their expensive shows. Let's not mention their huge homes, sweet cars, even the economical vehicles such as their recreational Hummer. We won't tell tell those folks attending and supporting you, who are barely eking out a living, how much you pay the little Chinese guy for the junk that you are "giving away" as a "special love gift" to those who send a "love offering" of 30.00 or whatever amount. You know... those 2.00 prayer shawls that you sell... I mean... that you give them in love if they give you 20.00 in love! There are the 50.00 Communion Sets... one of my favorites! I mean come on... that's a great deal what with you paying less than 5.00 a piece for them! All the while, you sell them some silly bill of goods that this is going to help them "get closer to God" in some way. The DVD's and CD's... you know the ones! 10.00 bucks a piece and "EVERY CHRISTIAN MUST HEAR THIS MESSAGE!" We might not want to tell them how much it really cost to produce those things! When you answer the phone calls of your customers... I mean "partners"... it's probably not productive to mention the rolling of eyes nor even the character of the folks answering the phones because after all... it is important that they at least think we care!


How far are we going to go with this? I'm not so sure that were Jesus, James and John visiting the church, Jesus might just let the fellows call down the fire from heaven this time. If not, I'm fairly certain that Jesus would get arrested for the flipping over tables and smacking the snot out of you with a rope. Call that a hunch on my part.


Folks with their overpriced "product" are an abomination to God. One need but read Scripture and know that is so. It is a marvel that they have been so blinded by money that they can't even see it any longer when they read Scripture. One would think... all the cheap Chinese prison labor stuff they sell... if that is the only way they can keep their ministry afloat then I'm thinking it is time to shut things down. Time to cancel all of the high dollar ministry outlets, trade the fancy cars for a Buick, and go back to preaching to people face to face... small church and large. If that doesn't work for you... quit. Better to do that than the whole weeping and gnashing of teeth that is waiting for you in eternity.

Call this simply a message from just one of the watchmen on the wall. We need to repent! Turn back to God! Redeem the time while there is time to redeem!

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