Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Colorful Church

I was reading some of the writings of Pastor C.J. Rhodes (@RevRhodes) on Twitter today as he, like many in America are doing, was pondering the political and social climate here in this country.  The two climates will once again smash into each other even more over the next few months as we grow closer to the election in November. In all of this we have a great challenge ahead of us in the coming days and perhaps years should the Lord keep us waiting longer.  We have to put aside the goofy politics and focus on the things that matter most.  By political definition one could say that I am morally conservative, socially moderate, fiscally hopeful.  Yet when it is all said and done I am a realist.  The US isn't going to change.  Doesn't mean I am to be silent and just sit back watching and waiting.  If I see injustice then I must speak out and try what is within my power to change it.  But we're at a time when the church is fixing to be tested in ways we've not been tested in our lifetime.

I don't get this racial thing really.  Black churches and white churches.  Black and white churches that even though they are multi-cultural in attendance...  they are still divided within.  I've long ago taken the attitude that we all bleed JC positive (JC = Jesus Christ) if we are believers and yet I still see the divisions.  Here's the rub.  We are not divided in Christ.  We are not divided in belief and doctrine any more or less than I, a white man, am divided with another that has some doctrinal difference.  The racial divide isn't based on spiritual things...  there are many black folk, brown folk, red folk, and yellow folk that believe alike.  We are divided because of politics.  We've allowed that ugly creature to be the thing that has the body of Christ separated.  

Forget Republican, Democrat, or even Independent.  We are Christian...  ambassador's for the King of the only Kingdom that matters.  My vote isn't because I am part of a party affiliation or because someone is endorsed by the Tea Party, NAACP, or Evangelical Christian Pastor's.  My vote has to be based on the Scripture.  If you endorse abortion...  I cannot and will not vote for you.  If you endorse taking help from the poor then I cannot and will not vote for you.  If you agree that men can marry men and women marry women then you are a participant in that sin itself and I cannot and will not vote for you.  If you show disdain for the elderly and helpless then rest assured that I cannot and will not vote for you.  If you follow another God or a Christ that isn't Jesus Christ Himself then I cannot and will not vote for you.  If my write in vote is considered a wasted vote then I can live with that because I must vote for someone that God would endorse...  not a party or affiliation of men.  

I promise all of you that read this...  if the Church actually got together and truly became God's ambassador... we'd be able to run off the chicken that has come home to roost. 

REPENT!  TURN TO GOD!  Redeem the time while there is still time left to redeem!

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