From the 2 Timothy 3 passage
People Will Be Lovers of Self
People Will Be Lovers of Self
I think of how this all played out. Even here on Twitter there are many folks that spend hours a day posting in 140 characters how "you" are the most important thing in "your" life. How "you" control "your" own destiny and how "you" can feel better about "yourself." In schools there are freaky things happening now... everyone is a winner. Everyone needs to pass. Everyone is the same as the other. All of this building up and encouraging us to pay attention to "you."
There is another word that I could throw in here because all of this stuff is breeding pride in us. Even in the church... look at why folks go. I love the worship. I love the preaching. I love the _______ (fill in what you love). Then you look at the reasons why folks don't go to church. I didn't like the _____________ (fill in what you didn't like). When you get right down to where the rubber meets the road we go because "I" like something or we don't go because "I" didn't like something. We're grossly selfish people.
I tossed out a challenge in a past article when telling folks to check themselves and see where their love and loyalty lies in regard to their stuff. Take ten of your most prized possessions and give them away and take nothing in return. That's when we find out how much we love our stuff but we learn something else in this too... how much we love ourselves. Look in the mirror and see what you see. If this is you... repent and seriously ponder how serious you want to be with this whole following Christ thing. Counting the cost is something we need to do because while salvation is free... the cost of being a disciple of the Master is very high. Choose whom you will follow. You... or Him.
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